20 June 2010
Miles Ran: 7.0 Miles / 58 Minutes 50 Seconds
Run Disney Project Total Miles: 381.6 Miles
Day No. 88: Today was a lesson that needed to be learned. I started my seven mile run in awe. I had absolutely no problems with the run. I started by running down Old Bainbridge Road and turned onto Thape Street all the way to Monroe Street. This was a bit shy of 3-miles. I ran around Lake Ella twice which was a bit more then a mile, and then returned the same 3-mile run. I went to check my mileage on my iPod (which the display light was destroyed when I washed it a week ago), so as I was at 6.99 of a mile, I tripped on one of the uneven sidewalk slabs and hurt myself real good. My whole right hand is swollen, I have torn up the skin on the palms of my hands, my right hand elbow, my right leg, and my ankle. There was a lot of blood. I thought I broke my fingers, but luckily I just jammed them really bad. Ironically I finished a 7-mile run with a beautiful time which would have been less if I was not lying on the ground for a minute in agony. So I was happy about the time, but the injury had me hurt and nervous. My time was 8' 24" per mile
Day No. 89: I rested since the injury on Sunday, giving myself all of Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday to heal. It is going to take a lot longer for my upper body, but my lower body was ready to hit the streets again (figuratively - not literally). I took my time today, making sure not to have the same problem I had the other day, but you can only learn from your mistakes. I definitely need a new iPod or a watch for running. There were a few runners out this morning, and I am amazed at how social people are, when they are putting their bodies through a tough workout. One lady in particular I ran past three or four times, and we began a nice dialog as we passed in the roads. Today's unimpressive run time was 8' 47" per mile. It is baby steps to healing, and I need to focus on getting healed before I push myself too far-too fast.
Day No. 90: There was nothing remarkably wonderful about today's run. I ran past the same lady as yesterday, and it is nice to see the same runners on a day-to-day basis. The only thing that annoyed me was the fact that something bit me on the back of the neck. I don't know what it was, but at least there was no marks. Today's pace was 8' 31" per mile. A bit better then yesterday, but I would like it to be in the low 8 minute per mile range.
Day No. 91: Today was my easy run. It is only a four mile run, but I am quite sluggish trying to get going. I started to cramp up about half way through the run, and this definitely slowed me down. This put my pace down at 8' 03" per mile.

27 June 2010
Miles Ran: 6.2 Miles / ? Minutes ? Seconds
Run Disney Project Total Miles: 403.0 Miles
Day No. 92: I ran the 10K this morning, but I chose to run the loop I find more difficult. My original plan was to run easier on Sundays, but call it a moment of stupidity. I was excited to break the 400 mile mark, but wish I relaxed on today's run. I did forget my iPod sensor and just free ram, so I am not sure how long it took. I run the 10K loop enough to know where to start and where to finish, so at least that was in my favor.